Source Work Sessions
with Darin Deterra, PhD, and Caroline Bailey, MA

- CORE ACTIVATION: Your core is your internal compass, comprised of three systems:
- Digestive System - where you “digest” your life experiences.
- Heart and Circulatory System - associated with Love, Empathy, and Compassion.
- Respiratory System - associated with Grief and Inspiration.
- PSYCHOTHERAPY: Verbal discussion, emotional processing, and clinical support bring up somatic and energetic needs.
- SOMATIC ASSESSMENT: The body reveals the truth about your life. We assess current blockages, field interruptions, energetic disturbances, unhealed traumas, your connection to Source, and much more.
- TRAUMA WORK: The ancient Peruvians believed that all trauma shows up in the energy body. Even if the trauma is healed in the physical body and the emotional body, the trauma can still exist in the energy body.
- HOLISTIC INTEGRATION: The alignment of body, mind, spirit, and emotion. These are not separate at all. Each is an expression of your consciousness.
- ENERGETIC CLEARING: Your physical body is compressed energy. Your emotional body is patterned energy. Your energy body is pure energy. Mental health can’t exist within a cloudy, disturbed, or dense energy field.
- BIOFIELD PROTECTION: All physical and emotional illnesses begin with a disturbance in the energy body. Energetic boundaries are essential. The session isn’t complete until the energy field is strong and secure.
- FREQUENCY UPGRADE: Raising your frequency is like a computer upgrade. Your operating system is more efficient. Glitches are removed. We don’t heal you. Your body utilizes energy to heal itself.
- QUANTUM INTELLIGENCE: At this stage, you are literally shifting into higher dimensions of consciousness.